Kids Adirondack Ski Chairs
Get them their very own Ski Chair.  Sized for kids up to age 10 years old, they will love these chairs with fun colors and graphics!  Every piece is an original, one-of-a-kind configuration! 
The ski chair body is crafted from cedar wood, sanded, and all edges are rounded.  Stainless steel screws and bolts are used exclusively to prevent staining the cedar as well as protection from the elements. 
Skis used for the seat, arms, and back are recycled and are cleaned, ground, polished, and all holes are filled.  Recycled skis are all used and have some wear but they generally clean-up quite nicely, and most are still in great shape and will serve you well for years to come. 
Custom sizing is available.
ADK Kids Chair
Price: $289
Design Options include the following:
Colors:  Select a color scheme that works for you.
Ski Type:  We can use alpine (downhill), nordic (x-country), racing or kids skis to make a chair for you.  We can even combine types if you'd like a combination chair.
Brands:  Base the design off your fav brand.
Finishing:  Our chairs come in unfinished cedar wood.  Cedar is very rot resistant on its own but will weather to a soft gray over time.  More about cedar here.  If you want to prevent this or add some additional protection to the wood, we recommend a finish.  Finish option details are listed here, and you can add the Penofin exterior stain to your order above. 
Add Penofin Finishing
Price: $49
Ski Tables Ski Benches Gifts for the Skier
Recycling Skis and Snowboards into Unique and Artful Creations
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Website design by MDK for "Starving Teacher Productions"
Custom built ski furniture and Adirondack Ski Chairs from recycled skis and snowboards, upcycled ski chair
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Green Mountain Ski Furniture
Waterbury, VT   USA    
phone:  802.324.1717
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